Dr. Usha Saraiya
- MD
- Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Appointments / OPD Timings
President, Federation of Obstetrics & Gynaecological Societies of India 2002. President Indian Academy of Cytologists 1984-1985. Vice President for Central Asia for Medical Women’s International Association 2013-2016.
Editorial Board of :
Editor of India – Acta Cytologica 1992-1997 Currently. Editorial Board of Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Poland.
Contribution to the region :
International expert to National Cancer Institute at Dhaka, Bangladesh 2006. Conducted Colposcopy training program in Nepal, Bangladesh, Srilanka.
Contribution internationally :
Awarded outstanding Women obstetrician Gynaecologist Award FIGO in 2003. Colposcopy Recognition Award by American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.
Hon. Member of Polish Society of Colposcopy and Cervical pathology.
List of prestigious Orations :
Chien-Tien-Tsu-Oration in AOFOG 2002.
Thomas Chandy oration in Trivandrum 2015.
Zur Hausen oration – Cuttack – March 2018.
Dr. Jerusha Jhirad Oration – December 2019.
- “The Origin of Healthcare for Women in India-a Story of the World of Yesterday”. Guest Editorial - The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of India. ISSN 0971-9201 DOI 10.1007/s 13224-020-01371-z.
- “Folic Acid Therapy Completes 9 Decades”-Review article. Journal of Indian Medical Association Vol 119 No.2, February 2021.
- “Medical Women on Planet Venus”. Journal of South Asian Federation of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2021; 13(3): 185-190.
- Ethics Committee Publications :
- Kulkarni R, Saraiya U. Accrediation of ethics committees in India: experiences of an ethics committee. Indian J Med Ethics. Vol XII No 4 October-December 2015.
- Ethics Papers: Poster Presentation: Usha Saraiya, Ragini Kulkarni “On the profile and functioning of NIRRH Ethics Committee for Clinical studies” during the 14th FERCAP Conference at Tagaytay city, Phillipines 23-26th November 2014.
- “Challenges in the control of cervical cancer in the developing world” by Usha Bharat Saraiya. Curr. Gynaecol. Oncol. 2012, 12(4) p 294-300. www.ginekologia.pl (Poland).
- “Threatened Abortions-importance of Ultrasound in management and outcome” by Mansi Tiwari and Usha Bharat Saraiya. GinPolMed Project 2(44) 2017.
Notable among them :
- Leadership Award for Preventive Oncology by SAFOG 2022.
- Lifetime Achievements Award of Living Legends by IFCPC July 2021.
- Lifetime Achievements Award by FOGSI in January 2020.
- Lifetime Achievements Award by AOGIN India in September 2017.