Books Published by Hospital Consultants
List of Books Published by
Hospital Consultants

Prof. Dr. Keki Turel
Invited Book Chapters:
- Complications avoidance and lessons from the past in the management of meningiomas Monograph on Meningiomas, published by VHS to commemorate the 100th birthday anniversary celebrations of Prof. B. Ramamurthi by the Department of Neurosurgery, pgins alnc.
- Learning from errors and mistakes.
- Learning, and Career Development in Neurosurgery, Surgery and Medicine: The Impact of Ethics and Metacognition. To be published by Springer Edited by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ammar.

Dr. Ameet Pispati
Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery
- Stoilov RM, Licheva RN, Mihaylova MK, Reitblat T, Dimitrov EA, Bhatia Girish, Pispati Ameet et al. (2015). “Therapeutic Effect of Oral CF101 in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Phase II Study.” Immunome Res 11: 087. Indexed - Pubmed, Crossref, J-Gate, Refseek, ISSN: 1745-7580 (Electronic), 1745-7580 (Linking).
- Pispati A, Pandey V, Patel R. Oral Bisphosphonate Induced Recurrent Osteonecrosis of Jaw with Atypical Femoral Fracture and Subsequent Mandible Fracture in the Same Patient: A Case Report. Journal of Orthopedic Case Reports 2018. May- June; 8(3): 85- 88. pISSN- 2250 – 0685 || eISSN – 2321-3817. PMC6298721.

Dr. Arun Mullaji
- Mullaji Arun B. & Shetty Gautam M. Deformity Correction in Total Knee Arthroplasty. 2014. Springer, New York, USA.
- Mullaji Arun B. & Shetty Gautam M. Deformity Correction in Total Knee Arthroplasty. 2017. Chinese Edition. CNS Publishing & Media.
Editor of Textbook
- Section Editor, Arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, Ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 2nd Ed. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2008: 3788-93.
Chapters in Textbook
- Mullaji A. Deformity correction. In Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty. Ed Hirschmaan M. & Becker R. Springer 2022.
- Mullaji AB., Khalifa A, Doshi K. Current Concepts and Controversies in Total Knee Arthroplasty In Recent advances in Orthopaedics. Ed A. K. Jain, 2021.
- Barrett D. and Mullaji A. Patellofemoral Arthroplasty : Indications, Surgical Techniques and Outcome. In Partial Knee Arthroplasty. Ed Argenson J-N, Dalury D. Springer 2019.
- Mullaji A, Shetty G. Technique of Computer-assisted Total Knee Arthroplasty, In: Master Techniques in Orthopaedic Surgery. Ed Mark Pagnano, 2019.
- Shah S, Mullaji A. Complications of total knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 3 rd ed.: Jaypee; 2016.
- Mullaji A, Shah S. Correction of varus and valgus deformity during total knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 3 rd ed. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2016.
- Mullaji A, Shah S. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 3 rd ed: Jaypee; 2016.
- Mullaji Arun. Technique of Navigated Total Knee Arthroplasty, In Knee Surgery. Ed Ashok Rajgopal. Jaypee 2014. 165-175.
- Mullaji AB. How I do a Knee Revision. In Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. Ed R Rossi. Italy. 2013. 117-36.
- Mullaji A, Shetty G. TKA in the presence of extraarticular deformity of the femur. In Mastering Orthopaedic Techniques. Ed Malhotra R. Jaypee. 2009.
- Mullaji A, Shetty G. TKA in the presence of extraarticular deformity of Tibia. In Mastering Orthopaedic Techniques. Ed Malhotra R. Jaypee. 2009.
- Page A, Mullaji A. Complications of total knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 2 nd ed.: Jaypee; 2008: 3788-93.
- Sharma A, Mullaji A. Correction of varus and valgus deformity during total knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 2nd ed. New Delhi: Jaypee; 2008: 3798-802.
- Mullaji A, Kanna R. Unicompartmental knee arthroplasty. In: Kulkarni GS, ed. Textbook of Orthopaedics and Trauma. Vol.4, 2nd ed: Jaypee; 2008: 3809-11.
Published papers in peer-reviewed journals
- Mullaji AB, Singh A, Haidermota M. Arthritic knees with more than 10° valgus can have soft-tissue imbalance in flexion Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2021; doi:10.1007/s00167-021-06798-z.
- Mullaji AB, Shah R, Bhoskar R, Singh A, Haidermota M, Thakur H. Seven phenotypes of varus osteoarthritic knees can be identified in the coronal plane Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2021;
- Mullaji AB, Bhoskar R, Singh A, Haidermota M. Valgus arthritic knees can be classified into nine phenotypes Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2021;
- Khalifa A, Mullaji A B, Mostafa A M, Farouk O A. A Protocol to Systematic Radiographic Assessment of Primary Total Knee Arthroplasty Orthop Research and Reviews 2021:13, 95-106.
- Khalifa A, Mullaji A B, et al. Prediction of leg length change (LLC) after correcting varus and flexion deformity in patients undergoing TKA Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol 2021(accepted).
- Khalifa A, Mullaji A B, et al. Comparison with Navigation of A Novel 3-Step Technique For Improving Accuracy Of The Distal Femoral Resection During Conventional TKA: A Case-Control Study. Journal of Knee Surgery 2021 (accepted).
- Mullaji AB and Khalifa A. Optimising Efficiency in the Operating Theater MO Journal Europe 2021: 28-33.
- Mullaji Arun. Can isolated removal of osteophytes achieve correction of varus deformity and gap-balance in computer-assisted total knee arthroplasty? An analysis of navigation data Bone and Joint Journal 2020 102-B(6_Supple_A):49-58.
- Bourcet A, Mullaji AB, Glover J, Metz L. A cost-effectiveness analysis of using an innovative gradually reducing femoral radius design implant vs. a class of metalbacked implants for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA) surgery from an Indian societal perspective Value In Health 2018: 21-2.
- Panjwani T, Mullaji A, Doshi K, Thakur H. Comparison of Functional Outcomes of Computer-Assisted vs Conventional Total Knee Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of High-Quality, Prospective Studies. J Arthroplasty 2019.
- Mullaji AB. CORR Insights: What is the timing of general health adverse Events that occur after Total Joint Arthroplast? Clin Orthop Relat Res 2017; 475(12).
- Shetty GM, Mullaji AB, et al. The effect of sagittal knee deformity on preoperative measurement of coronal mechanical alignment during total knee arthroplasty. Knee Surg and Relat Res 2017 2017, 29(2): 110-4.
- Mullaji AB, Shetty GM. Efficacy of a novel iPod-based navigation system compared to traditional navigation system in total knee arthroplasty. Comput Assist Surg. 2017 Dec;22(1):10-13.
- Shetty GM, Mullaji A, Khalifa A, Ray A. Windswept deformities – An indication to individualise valgus correction angle during total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedics 14 (2017) 70–72.
- Mullaji A, Shah S, Shetty GM. Mobile-bearing medial unicompartmental knee arthroplasty restores limb alignment comparable to that of the unaffected contralateral limb. Acta Orthopaedica 88(1):1-5 · October 2016.
- Jain S A, Shetty G, Mullaji A, Bahadur D, Srivastava R. Development of a herbal thermoresponsive hydrogel for orthopaedic applications. Advanced Science Letters, 2016 22:1, 83-88(6).
- Mullaji A, Shetty GM. Correcting deformity in total knee arthroplasty: techniques to avoid the release of collateral ligaments in severely deformed knees. Bone Joint J 2016;98-B:101–4.
- Mullaji A, Shetty GM. The Technique of Computer Navigation in Revision Total Knee Arthroplasty. J Clin Orth 2016, 1:1, 17-20.

Dr. Kaiomarz Phiroze Balsara
- Sliding hiatus hernia with GE reflux. Experience with the Belsey Mark 4 repair. K. P. Balsara, K. N. Dastur, Indian Journal of Surgery, Feb 87, 71-75.
- Why do Esophageal Varices bleed? M. J. Coleman, K. P. Balsara, T. B. Hugh. Medical Journal of Australia. 1985, 143: 343-45.
- 24hrs. Ambulatory pH monitoring, its role in evaluating GE reflux. K.P.Balsara. Ind. J of Surgery. Jan 1992, 81-85.
- Chylous Ascites following a Warren Shunt. Case report. K.P.Balsara, C. Dubash, Ind. J. of Gastroenterol. 1987, Vol 6. 243.
- Management of high bile duct obstruction. K.P Balsara, C. Dubash.,R.L. Shah, Indian Journal of Gastroenterol, 1988, Vol 7, 155-57.
- Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, analysis of the first 100 cases. K. P. Balsara, C. R. Shah, Indian J. of Gastroenterol . 1994, Vol 13, 41-42.
- Endoscopic retrograde cholangiography in the era of Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. K. P. Balsara, C. R. Shah , A. Maydeo. Ind. J. of Gastroenterol 1996. 15(1): 10-11.
- Ductal complications following Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Chapter in “Laparoscopic surgery in developing countries”. 1996 Ed. T. E. Udwadia, J. B. Publishers, Delhi.
- Psuedoanuresym of the hepatic artery along with common bile duct injury. K. P. Balsara, C. Dubash, C. R. Shah. Surgical Endoscopy .1998; 12: 276-277.
- Complicated Sigmoid diverticulosis. K. P. Balsara, C. Dubash. Indian J. of Gastroenterol. April 1998 , vol 17, 46-47.
- Laparoscopic surgery for reflux esophagitis and paraesophageal hernia Indian J of Gastroenterology April-May 2002.
- Complicated Sigmoid diverticulosis: 10years experience. Indian Journal of Surgery April 2002.
- Lapararoscopic approach to benign esophageal disease. Ind J Surg. April 2004.
- Increasing role of MAS in acute pancreatitis. Chapter in book “ Acute Pancreatitis”. Ed. Dr. SK. Bhansali, Dr. Sharad C Shah. Dec 2006.
- Management of bile duct injuries after lap cholecystectomy. Chapter in book . Lapcholecystectomy 2 nd ed. Editor Dr. T E Udwadia.
- Laparoscopic Fundoplication for GERD: an 8 year experience. K. P. Balsara, C. R. Shah, M. Hussaain. J Min Access Surg 2008; 4: 99-103.
- Re use of single use devices. Looking forward , looking back. Hussain M, Balsara K.P., Nagral S. National Medical Journal of India, vol 25, no 3: 2012.
- Laparoscopic assisted enterolithotomy for gallstone ileus: case report. Gupta R, Shah CR, Balsara KP. Ind J of surg: June 2013; vol 75, 497-99.
- Rare case of inflammatory fibroid polyps in a young woman with a family history of fibroid polyps: Balsara KP, et al. case report. Tropical Gastroenterology: Vol 35.3; July –Sept 2014.
- Sewing machine stich for laparoscopic IPOM. Journal of minimal access surgery KS Dastoor, KP Balsara, A Gazi. Jan 2018.
- Azothioprine induced EB VIRUS positive mucocutaneous ulcer. A case report. Journal of modern human pathology. SArneja, KP Balsara, Sushil M. March 2018.
- Surgery for Sigmoid Diverticulitis. “An eighteen-year experience” Surgery, Laparoscopic, Indian experience. Kaiomarz P. Balsara 1 , Khojasteh Sam Dastoor 2 , Coomi Dubash 3 , Asif Gazi 4 , Maharra Hussain 5 Original Articles Trop Gastroenterol. 2020;41(1):16-21.

Dr. Pradeep Moonot
- In-vivo kinematics comparing conventional vs anatomical single bundle ACL reconstruction – writing the protocol and applying for funding for the RCT and liaising with University of Florida.
- MD (Res) thesis - ‘In vivo kinematic analysis of medial rotation knee replacement’. I lead the orthopaedic research in the in-vivo kinematics at SWLEOC using fluoroscopy. This allowed for the knees to be scanned whilst maintaining the same scanning plane in increments throughout the full flexion arc in a weight-bearing squat. It allows a unique method of studying and defining kinematics in weight-bearing TKR. I was awarded £30,000 to fund this project. Findings of the tibio-femoral motion has been published In addition to publication I have presented this work nationally and internationally, and had a'; scientific exhibit' with the others involved in the project, at EFFORT, B.O.A. and A.O.A meeting.
- Four multicentre clinical surveillance studies of hip and knee implants – These were Orthopaedic data evaluation panel (ODEP) studies involving preparation of protocol, costing Mr. P Moonot FRCS (Tr & Orth) Page 6 of 14 the project, allocation of the administrative staff and liaising with the sales directors of various medical device companies.
- The project, allocation of the administrative staff and liaising with the sales directors of various medical device companies.
- ‘Complex Dorsal Metacarpophalangeal Joint Dislocation’ - Research project for dissertation for the MS (Orth) degree 5. I am very keen on carrying out research and was on the panel of the South Central Strategic Health Authority Ethics Committee in UK & the P D Hinduja Ethics Committee.
Review Articles
- Moonot P, Ashwoo d N, Lockwood D. Orthopaedic complications of Leprosy. J Bone Joint Surg 2005 Oct; 87(10): 1328-32.
- Moonot P, Jain S, Haddad FS. Cricket is riskier than you may realise. Sports Injury Bulletin No. 35, Dec 2003/Jan 2004; 1-4.
- Moonot P, Jain S, Haddad FS. Cricket Injuries. Sports Injury Bulletin No. 36, Feb 2004; 8-9.
- Moonot P, Ashwood N Clavicle fractures Trauma 2009, Vol 11, No2, p123-132.
Case Reports
- Moonot P, Sharma G Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Lateral Process of Talus Involving the Subtalar Joint: An Unusual Case. J Foot Ankle Surg. 2021 May-Jun;60(3):630-633.
- Moonot P, Sharma G, Kadakia AR Mal-union of sustentaculum tali fracture with talo-calcaneal coalition leading to tarsal tunnel syndrome: A case report. Foot (Edinb) 2021 Jun;47:101797.
- Agarwala S, Mohrir G, Moonot P Internal iliac artery pseudoaneurysm in primary total hip arthroplasty. Indian J Orthop. 2016 Mar-Apr;50(2):218-20.
- Agarwala S, Agrawal P, Moonot P, Sobti A A rare case of giant cell tumour arising from anterior cruciate ligament: Its diagnosis and management. J Clin Orthop Trauma. 2015 Jun;6(2):140-3.
- Moonot P. Hindoot involvement of RA. IFASCON 2021.
- Moonot P. Missed Lisfranc Injuries management. World Congress 2020.
- Chronic TA ruptures. MOA webinar 2021.
- Moonot P. Diagnostic Algorithm for heel pain. WIROC, Mumbai 2017.
- Moonot P. Intra-articular PRP in OA Knee: Evidence based approach. Pune 2017.
- Moonot P. Surgical treatment of the Charcot Foot. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Malunited ankle fractures management. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Management of stage 1 and 2 flat foot. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Achilles Tendinopathy. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. The Missed Lisfranc - Management. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Scarf Osteotomy - How do I do it? BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Arthroscopic ankle fusion - Tips & Tricks. BOS Foot & Ankle Course, 2017.
- Moonot P. Role of PRP in Foot & Ankle conditions. IFASCON 2017.
- Moonot P. Hallux Rigidus-1 st MTP Fusion technique. IFASCON 2017.
- Moonot P. Scarf - when & how? IFASCON 2017.
- Moonot P. Talus fractures. Bangalore Foot & Ankle Course 2017.
- Moonot P. Subtalar arthrodesis. Bangalore Foot & Ankle Course 2017.
- Moonot P. Physical exam demonstration. Indo - US Course 2017.
- Moonot P. Direct anterior exposure. Bangalore Foot and Ankle Cadaver Course 2016.
- Moonot P. Hallux Valgus: Scarf osteotomy / video. Bangalore Foot and Ankle Cadaver Course 2016.
- Moonot P. Navicular fractures - mechanism of injury & treatment protocols. Traumacon 2016.
- Moonot P. Talus neck & body fractures - Mechanisms and classification. Traumacon 2016.
- Moonot P. Prescribing Orthotics in Foot and Ankle. Indo-US Foot & Ankle Course 2016.
- Moonot P. Diagnosis and Conservative Management of Charcot Foot. Indo-US Foot & Ankle Course 2016.
- Moonot P. Ask the expert forum. Indo-US Foot & Ankle Course 2016.
- Moonot P. Diagnostic Algorithm for forefoot pain. WIROC, Mumbai 2015.
- Moonot P. Knee examination. Preconference WIROC workshop, Mumbai 2015.
- Moonot P. Hallux rigidus. IFASCON 2015.
- Moonot P. Sesamoid disorders. IFASCON 2015.
- Moonot P. Acute ankle sprain. IFASCON 2015.
- Moonot P. Lisfranc - Hidden injury and how to avoid missing it? Traumacon 2015.
- Moonot P. Salvage of Lisfran Injuries. Traumacon 2015.
- Moonot P. Hallux Rigidus - Nonoperative and Operative Approach and Management. Indo US Foot & Ankle Course 2015.
Submitted for publication
- Outcome of Charcot with absent talus FAI 2020.
- Radiological evaluation of flat feet in India. J Foot Ankle Surgery 2021.