Organ Transplant
Organ Transplant
Name of Hospital's Coordination : Dr. Sunil Bandekar. (Associate Director( Medical & Compliance))
Contact Number : 022-23667919
E-mail Address :

FY 2023-24
In the FY 2023-24, the Hospital carried out 1 kidney transplants, out of which there were no live related transplants and 1 cadaver transplant, 1 Brain stem death identified and 1 liver and 2 kidneys, 2 corneas donated.

12 February 2024
Meeting of the Competent Authority for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 12.02.2024 and has approved one related kidney transplant case (Father to Daughter) for renal transplant.

FY 2022-23
In the FY 2022-23, the hospital carried out with no live related kidney transplants, no cadaver kidney transplants and no eyes were donated.

FY 2020-21
In the FY 2020-21, the Hospital carried out with no live related kidney transplants, no cadaver kidney transplant and no eyes were donated.

27 February 2020
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 27.02.2020 and has approved one related kidney transplant case (Mother to Son) for renal transplant.

FY 2019-20
In the FY 2019-20, the Hospital carried out 4 kidney transplants, out of which there were 3 live related transplants and 1 cadaver transplant and 2 eyes donated.

8 April 2019
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 8.4.19 and has approved 1 related out of state kidney transplant case (wife to husband) for renal transplant.

18 April 2018
In the FY 2017-18, the Hospital carried out 6 kidney transplants out of which there were 5 live related kidney transplants and 1 live unrelated kidney transplant & 2 eyes donated.

03 October 2017
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 3.10.17 and has recommended 1 related out of state kidney transplant case (sister to brother) to DMER for final approval.

05 August 2017
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 5.8.17 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (father to daughter).
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 5.8.17 and has recommended 1 related out of state kidney transplant case (father to son) & an unrelated case (brother's mother in law to the daughter's younger brother in law) to DMER for final approval.

03 April 2017
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 3.4.17 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (mother to son).

03 February 2017
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 3.2.17 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (mother to son).
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 3.2.17 and has recommended 2 unrelated kidney transplant cases (maternal aunt to nephew) and (maternal uncle to niece) for final approval to DMER.

14 July 2016
In the FY 2015-16, the Hospital carried out 7 kidney transplants out of which there were 4 live related kidney transplants and 3 live unrelated kidney transplants, 2 BSD's identified, 6 eyes and 1 skin donated.

05 May 2016
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 5.5.16 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (brother to sister) and forwarded to DMER for final approval (out of state).

24 August 2015
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 24.8.15 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (wife to husband) and 1 unrelated kidney transplant case (Aunt to nephew) is approved and forwarded to DMER for the final approval.

30 October 2019
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 30.10.19, and the final approval for the proposed transplant was granted on 8.11.19 for 1 related kidney transplant case (husband to wife).

28 December 2015
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 28.12.15 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (mother to daughter)." The Committee has also approved 2 unrelated kidney tx cases and forwarded to DMER for further permission.

30 October 2015
The Hospital Authorization Committee for the approval of organ transplant was convened on 29.10.15 and has approved 1 related kidney transplant case (mother to son).

25 August 2015
In the FY 2014-15, the Hospital carried out 9 kidney transplants out of which there were 6 live related kidney transplants and 3 cadaver kidney transplants, 1 BSD, 1 kidney, 4 eyes and 1 skin donated.

25 August 2015
In the FY 2013-14, the Hospital carried out 9 kidney transplants, out of which there were 8 live related transplants and 1 cadaver transplant, 2 Brain stem deaths identified and 1 liver and 2 eyes donated.