Contact Info
- 022 - 62597788
- 022 - 69197788
- Ground Floor, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, 60-A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026.
Pain Management

Pain is an important sensation and emotion that something is wrong with the person. It is very significant in the patient with acute pain meaning pain related to injury, trauma, infection or immediate post surgery or emotional issues. In chronic pain patients whose pain persists for more than 3 months after regular treatment, it might not have much of a protective role. Rather in some patients it might become disease itself like hypertension or diabetes where patient is tired of pain and patient just wants to get rid of the Pain.

Common Chronic pain conditions treated at our Clinic
- Back Pain, Slip Disc, Sciatica and Spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis.
- Neck Pain, Cervical Spondylosis.
- Chronic shoulder, Arm, Hip, Knee, Leg and Foot Pain.
- Cancer Pain especially terminal and palliative patient.
- Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (New name CRPS, type 1 and 2).
- Neuropathic Pain, Neuralgias, Neuropathies and Central Pain like Trigeminal Neuralgia, Post herpetic neuralgia, diabetic neuropathy or even post limb amputation pain Headache and Facial pain.
- Post surgery or scar related pain (any surgery like spine or hernia or abdominal or chest surgery).
- Any other pain lasting for more than 3 months even after effective medical or surgical treatment.
Given picture is just an example the way approach to the back and neck pain problem.
We start with the simple treatment and then go up the ladder depending on patients response. Idea is to give the maximum option to the patient to improve with least to lesser complicated procedure before one decides for an open operation. Not that open operation is not good but it has own problems.