Contact Info
- 022 - 62597788
- 022 - 69197788
- Ground Floor, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, 60-A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026.

The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Breach candy Hospital Trust provides highly specialized care to the newborn who are in a critical state. The Level III ICU is one of the best equipped and staffed units in South Mumbai and is manned by an expert team of doctors, and nursing staff. The unit caters to all Inborn/Outborn-Preterm/IUGR (Intra Uterine Growth Retardation)/MAS (Meconium Aspiration Syndrome)/Sepsis/Infection/HIE (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy)/Surgical babies.
Our department is managed by highly experienced and skilled team of senior consultants to ensure highest standards of care. The unit is also staffed with well trained, skilled and experienced nurses. They form the backbone of our services.
Our Doctors, nurses who work in our NICU have extensive experience, expertise, and knowledge to quickly assess and treat the neonates so that they can achieve the best outcomes possible.
Our is a 9 bedded tertiary care NICU. We have provide facilities for advanced neonatal open care warmers, conventional advanced neonatal ventilation, high frequency ventilation and nasal ventilation (NIV & NCPAP), total parenteral nutrition, Led phototherapy & billi blanket, whole body cooling, bedside EEG, in-house ABG analyzer, multiparameter monitors, 24 hours portable X-Ray and ultrasound, ventilator ratio of 1:1 and nursing Ratio of 1:1.