Contact Info
- 022 - 62597788
- 022 - 69197788
- Ground Floor, Breach Candy Hospital Trust, 60-A, Bhulabhai Desai Road, Mumbai - 400026.

Oncology is the specialty dealing with various cancers. The various modalities of treatment are surgery, medical (chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy) and radiotherapy. Currently, at Breach Candy Hospital Trust, we offer Surgical oncology and Medical oncology services.
The Surgical Oncology department has senior consultants covering every sub specialty (Thoracic, Head & Neck, Upper and lower Gastrointestinal, Urology, Gynecology and Breast). We have state of the art operating theaters with all the latest technologies incorporated. We have an excellent set up for minimally invasive surgeries namely for laparoscpy and the latest Robotic system for Rabotic surgery. Cancers that are amenable to minimally invasive (laparoscopic or Robotic) are done so as per the consultants decision in conjunction with the patient. For peritoneal cancers (cancers spreading via/in the peritonem - Ovary, colon, appendix, gastric0 we have the necessary set up to do HIPEC procedures.