Dr. Dev B. Pahlajani
- Interventional Cardiologist
- Cardiology and Cardio Thoracic
Appointments / OPD Timings
Dr. Dev B. Pahlajani is a world renowned Interventional Cardiologist of India and has been responsible for establishing the department of cardiac catheterization and interventional cardiology at Breach Candy Hospital. He has remained the Head of the Department since its inception in 1983.
He has been a pioneer of Interventional Cardiology in India and was responsible for performing first coronary angioplasty in India on 6th February 1985 at Breach Candy Hospital. He has been Professor of Cardiology at Lokmanya Tilak Municipal Medical College, Sion Mumbai.
He has researched more than 170 publications and presentations in Indian and international peer reviewed journals & at various national & international forums.
He was nominated to receive award for outstanding contribution to the field of science & medicine by Bombay Metropolitan Junior Chambers 1991.
He has been recipient of the First Dr. Jivraj Mehta Gold Medal Award for outstanding services to medicine by Association of Physicians of India (2014), Lifetime achievement award by Cardiological Society of India 2015.